Saturday, April 30, 2016

B055 Zinc, Sim Fanatic

B055 was a Sim fanatic since her clan discovered them in 20XX. Her life goal was to finally be able to become one with the sim habitat and live amongst the creatures that interested her so much. After growing up to scouting age, B055 signed herself up for Sim exploration. She was assigned to a quaint desert town by the name of Oasis Springs.

After being sent to the city, she was assigned a privately owned lot that another Sim Researcher had reserved for incoming agents. The one thing that was stressed, was to keep alien presence unknown. B055's briefing began immediately as she donned her eccentric human disguise. Under this persona, she took the name of Beatrice and lived life as a gardener with a love for biology. Her mission was to study how the sims lived in this city despite the lack of greenery compared to other cities.

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