Her alien heart was tickled at being surrounded by such a scientific atmosphere. Her co-workers were quiet, going to their stations such like the imported bees that made her favorite Zone Honey back on her planet. The machines buzzed as they were consuming power from the lab's energy conservators. Looking at her schedule, her first job was to consult the Inventor's Robot Assistant. B055 just called it IRA for short. B055 went right to work, smiling at the helpful machine.
Today her co-workers seemed much too busy, so B055 kept to herself until work was over. After work ended, she decided to look around town to see more into the life of a sim. It was darker as it closed in to 9 o' clock, but B055 didn't understand how time handled a sim's lifestyle just yet. A spa sat not too far from her street, and the lights caught her eyes. Time for a new experience!
"That is called Yoga. A spiritual dance of mind, body, spirit, and most of all, nature." He performs a tree pose, surprising B055 with his stiff posture and pure balance. "I would like to know how to do that!" B055 unknowingly commanded the man. Nodding in response, the instructor proceeded to teach this simple pose plus some others. After probably 20 minutes, she got into it, and mastered the breathing technique. Her life, felt so serene. A man slumped over his dragging legs broke that aura she had succumbed too, slightly throwing off her concentration. Her emotional habits took pity on the obviously piteous man.
Wanting to figure out more, she thanked the instructor for his time and walked out the doors to the hall the man slugged through. Going passed another set of doors, there he was, chatting it up just fine with a massage therapist. She put on her robe and acted like she was getting a message in the adjacent area. Hiding behind the wall, she decided to just earplay the conversation. "Mr.Starks, nice to see you here again tonight. Are you fancying a massage? You 'ought to be our top chap visitor here by now.The therapist chuckled.
Top chap? B055 couldn't begin to interpret what that sim slang meant before the man noticed her behind the wall. Walking her way, he kept a smile on his face. "Hello lass, what are you up to?" B055 was busted, she didn't know what to say. The man took the word up again, "My name is Neal. Neal Starks. What is yours?" He took much favor in her odd green hair. "B0--Beatrice. Beatrice Zinc. I just moved here." Her arms fell at her sides like she was giving attention to her supervisor. The man chuckled at the name, "Such a geeky quirky name. Old fashioned as well. Also, excuse me if I look angry, I tend to squint without my glasses. I didn't mean to scare you."
"Mr. Starks, what about your massage?" Chimed the therapist. Neal looked back and gestured to him. "I'll treat her to mine tonight, she looks like she needs it more than I do." B055 smiled, she was relieved the human didn't question her more about her curious behavior. Patting her on the back, he reassured softly, "Mr. Alfredo will set you up. You'll just have to owe me later."
Oh no! What will she "owe him"???