Friday, May 6, 2016

Chapter 1.3

This chapter will lack screenshots! Sorry!

B055 wasn't sure of what the Neal sim meant by "owing him". She lightly shrugged, looking to Mr.Alfredo, unaware of the event of a massage. "Alright Miss," Alfredo led his hand to the bedding. "If you would please lay on your belly here and relax, I shall give you a most pleasurable massage as I do Mr.Starks." B055 had to ask, "What is a massage?" Both Mr.Alfredo and Neal looked at her in shock for a moment, then bursting into laughter together. B055 didn't remember reading anything about massages in her guides, or why they were laughing. Her cheeks glowed red in embarrassment.

Neal caught on to this and patted Mr.Alfredo to stop. "I'm sorry Beatrice, it's just that people usually come here to get massages. It's peculiar for someone to be.. Here.. And not.." Neal stopped himself, feeling as if he shouldn't say any more for her sake. "It's better if you just go ahead and let Mr.Alfredo take care of you. You'll feel amazing afterwards. I promise." Beatrice looked at Neal, then to Mr.Alfredo. "I'll be gentle with you Miss. Neal would likely kill me if I hurt ya'." Neal began walking to the room's doors. "I'll talk to you in the sauna room when you're done. Tell me how it goes for you."

B055 laid on the massage table as he instructed. His hands began rubbing on her backside, making her body tingle. It wasn't even painful, despite the pressure that was being pressed on her body. Her muscles began to relax, she began to feel very calm. Almost 5 minutes in, she fell asleep from the hard day's work and the wonderful massage.

Mr.Alfredo patted her awake, "You okay Miss? You knocked out on me there." He chuckled, as he was used to his customers following asleep from his magic hands. "Mr.Starks is still in the sauna room if you want him." Her eyes slowly opened, making her sight come back slowly. "How long was I asleep?" She inquired, feeling bad. "Oh, only for a few minutes, you're alright. It's a compliment that you fell asleep, so don't think anything of it." Getting up with her towel, she walked out of the room. "Thank you greatly Mr.Alfredo. I should come back another time. It was better than I imagined. Her eccentric smile was back again.

She slowly walking into the sauna room, blinded by the sauna's steam. Couldn't helping but whisper to keep peace, "Are you still in here... Neal?" He patted the bench next to him a little loudly in response. "Yes, you may sit here if you'd like. The steam comes out right next to us." Coming closer to the noise, she realizes he is without his shirt. Alien's do not show their chest  at all considering their body suits are worn almost constantly. Seeing a sim's one up close felt rather intimate and taboo for some reason.

Sitting down beside him, Neal beamed a smile. "Remember when I said that you owed me something Beatrice?" She nods her head. "I did not know what you meant by that, but I do remember." Neal couldn't help but laugh again. "You're quite a lady. I don't think I've come across someone like you." Why did she come off so different? Is she not fitting in like she should? "I know this will be sudden, but I'd best just ask you on a date right now while I'm confident." He scratched his head, detecting that this took a lot of courage to actually say. Heck he might have been trying to convince himself to say it the whole time he was waiting in here. Remembering her extracurricular studies, a date for sims meant to go out and eat, learn about one another, and try to pursue a higher relationship. It wasn't quite called dating back in her place, but it was the same concept.

Interested in the idea of becoming closer with a sim, B055 had no real reason to decline! It'd be knowledgeable to learn about a sim's life in this perspective. "Uh.. Uhhh-- Okay!" She was excited, she couldn't deny that. Neal toughened up and sighed in relief. "Thank goodness..." B055 doesn't know what she has gotten herself into.


//Chapter Notes
This chapter was more inserted to show how Beatrice met Neal. Only halfway through my gameplay did I want to actually write the legacy. I apologize if this part seemed rushed. Also sorry for lack of visuals!

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