Friday, May 6, 2016

Chapter 1.3

This chapter will lack screenshots! Sorry!

B055 wasn't sure of what the Neal sim meant by "owing him". She lightly shrugged, looking to Mr.Alfredo, unaware of the event of a massage. "Alright Miss," Alfredo led his hand to the bedding. "If you would please lay on your belly here and relax, I shall give you a most pleasurable massage as I do Mr.Starks." B055 had to ask, "What is a massage?" Both Mr.Alfredo and Neal looked at her in shock for a moment, then bursting into laughter together. B055 didn't remember reading anything about massages in her guides, or why they were laughing. Her cheeks glowed red in embarrassment.

Neal caught on to this and patted Mr.Alfredo to stop. "I'm sorry Beatrice, it's just that people usually come here to get massages. It's peculiar for someone to be.. Here.. And not.." Neal stopped himself, feeling as if he shouldn't say any more for her sake. "It's better if you just go ahead and let Mr.Alfredo take care of you. You'll feel amazing afterwards. I promise." Beatrice looked at Neal, then to Mr.Alfredo. "I'll be gentle with you Miss. Neal would likely kill me if I hurt ya'." Neal began walking to the room's doors. "I'll talk to you in the sauna room when you're done. Tell me how it goes for you."

B055 laid on the massage table as he instructed. His hands began rubbing on her backside, making her body tingle. It wasn't even painful, despite the pressure that was being pressed on her body. Her muscles began to relax, she began to feel very calm. Almost 5 minutes in, she fell asleep from the hard day's work and the wonderful massage.

Mr.Alfredo patted her awake, "You okay Miss? You knocked out on me there." He chuckled, as he was used to his customers following asleep from his magic hands. "Mr.Starks is still in the sauna room if you want him." Her eyes slowly opened, making her sight come back slowly. "How long was I asleep?" She inquired, feeling bad. "Oh, only for a few minutes, you're alright. It's a compliment that you fell asleep, so don't think anything of it." Getting up with her towel, she walked out of the room. "Thank you greatly Mr.Alfredo. I should come back another time. It was better than I imagined. Her eccentric smile was back again.

She slowly walking into the sauna room, blinded by the sauna's steam. Couldn't helping but whisper to keep peace, "Are you still in here... Neal?" He patted the bench next to him a little loudly in response. "Yes, you may sit here if you'd like. The steam comes out right next to us." Coming closer to the noise, she realizes he is without his shirt. Alien's do not show their chest  at all considering their body suits are worn almost constantly. Seeing a sim's one up close felt rather intimate and taboo for some reason.

Sitting down beside him, Neal beamed a smile. "Remember when I said that you owed me something Beatrice?" She nods her head. "I did not know what you meant by that, but I do remember." Neal couldn't help but laugh again. "You're quite a lady. I don't think I've come across someone like you." Why did she come off so different? Is she not fitting in like she should? "I know this will be sudden, but I'd best just ask you on a date right now while I'm confident." He scratched his head, detecting that this took a lot of courage to actually say. Heck he might have been trying to convince himself to say it the whole time he was waiting in here. Remembering her extracurricular studies, a date for sims meant to go out and eat, learn about one another, and try to pursue a higher relationship. It wasn't quite called dating back in her place, but it was the same concept.

Interested in the idea of becoming closer with a sim, B055 had no real reason to decline! It'd be knowledgeable to learn about a sim's life in this perspective. "Uh.. Uhhh-- Okay!" She was excited, she couldn't deny that. Neal toughened up and sighed in relief. "Thank goodness..." B055 doesn't know what she has gotten herself into.


//Chapter Notes
This chapter was more inserted to show how Beatrice met Neal. Only halfway through my gameplay did I want to actually write the legacy. I apologize if this part seemed rushed. Also sorry for lack of visuals!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Chapter 1.2

Today was B055's first day at work as a Lab Technician. She felt quite comfortable in the uniform, very happy with Sim choice of attire. Johnny took her to work today since she wasn't quite sure where the lab actually was located. Johnny reported to the other building after he showed her around.

Her alien heart was tickled at being surrounded by such a scientific atmosphere. Her co-workers were quiet, going to their stations such like the imported bees that made her favorite Zone Honey back on her planet. The machines buzzed as they were consuming power from the lab's energy conservators. Looking at her schedule, her first job was to consult the Inventor's Robot Assistant. B055 just called it IRA for short. B055 went right to work, smiling at the helpful machine.

Today her co-workers seemed much too busy, so B055 kept to herself until work was over. After work ended, she decided to look around town to see more into the life of a sim. It was darker as it closed in to 9 o' clock, but B055 didn't understand how time handled a sim's lifestyle just yet. A spa sat not too far from her street, and the lights caught her eyes. Time for a new experience!

Looking around in the interior, seeing what a spa is for, she took a look into the locker room, taking the privacy to change into more comfortable clothing that Johnny referred to as "athletic".She heard more noise upstairs, assuming to be the clear liquid running and some sims whispering amongst one another, quite suiting for such a quiet if not peaceful atmosphere. Going into the closest room, she saw a rather muscular sim standing in a bored daze. "Excuse me, could you show me what we do... Here?" Pointing to the patterned rectangles on the floor.

"That is called Yoga. A spiritual dance of mind, body, spirit, and most of all, nature." He performs a tree pose, surprising B055 with his stiff posture and pure balance. "I would like to know how to do that!" B055 unknowingly commanded the man. Nodding in response, the instructor proceeded to teach this simple pose plus some others. After probably 20 minutes, she got into it, and mastered the breathing technique. Her life, felt so serene. A man slumped over his dragging legs broke that aura she had succumbed too, slightly throwing off her concentration. Her emotional habits took pity on the obviously piteous man.

Wanting to figure out more, she thanked the instructor for his time and walked out the doors to the hall the man slugged through. Going passed another set of doors, there he was, chatting it up just fine with a massage therapist. She put on her robe and acted like she was getting a message in the adjacent area. Hiding behind the wall, she decided to just earplay the conversation. "Mr.Starks, nice to see you here again tonight. Are you fancying a massage? You 'ought to be our top chap visitor here by now.The therapist chuckled. 

Top chap? B055 couldn't begin to interpret what that sim slang meant before the man noticed her behind the wall. Walking her way, he kept a smile on his face. "Hello lass, what are you up to?" B055 was busted, she didn't know what to say. The man took the word up again, "My name is Neal. Neal Starks. What is yours?" He took much favor in her odd green hair. "B0--Beatrice. Beatrice Zinc. I just moved here." Her arms fell at her sides like she was giving attention to her supervisor. The man chuckled at the name, "Such a geeky quirky name. Old fashioned as well. Also, excuse me if I look angry, I tend to squint without my glasses. I didn't mean to scare you."

"Mr. Starks, what about your massage?" Chimed the therapist. Neal looked back and gestured to him. "I'll treat her to mine tonight, she looks like she needs it more than I do." B055 smiled, she was relieved the human didn't question her more about her curious behavior. Patting her on the back, he reassured softly, "Mr. Alfredo will set you up. You'll just have to owe me later."

Saturday, April 30, 2016

First Day Among the Sims

B055 had toured her humble new habitat, taking excitement in her official synthetic human design. As she was admiring the plants in her home, a knock was on her door. She slowly peeked out the door's window and viewed a sim right out front! She wasn't aware of why they would of known her presence so quickly. The owner of the property said it has been empty for some months now. She opened the door and stared at the blonde sim for some time before he introduced himself as her neighbor. "Howdy neighbor! Welcome to Oasis Springs! My name is Johnny Zest, I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood." B055 waved excitedly, seeing as how this was her first sim to alien interaction! "Thank you for the warm welcome! My name is Beatrice, pleasure to meet you J-Johnny!" After much talking of spaces llamas and the desert, B055 was aching to test out her mind powers on finding more about Johnny. She took the opportunity quickly, knowing that Johnny would not remember the act.

B055 felt some familiarity with Johnny, it was like she couldn't place it, but actually knew who he was. She brought him inside, closing the door, and spoke to him more privately. He became more serious, asking how she got onto this private property after it has been empty for so long. Her mission couldn't be sabotaged already, could it? Johnny took her hand, looking her in the eyes. B055 noticed the synthetic nodes in his iris, figuring out that he too was under a guise. "A fellow sim researcher.." She muttled under her breath. He backed away and sighed in relief. "I was worried that a normal sim had infiltrated our properties with our technology, I apologize if I startled you." He laughed and smiled again. B055 laughed with him, recovering from the nerve wracking situation.

"I will have to show you the basics of living as a sim, it shouldn't be too much different than living as we are in our other form. For now, just go ahead and get a job so you have income to pay the cost of living here. Being here for free might raise suspicion of the lawkeepers in this city." He handed her an application for a lab technician job. "I work there as well, so go ahead and apply, I'll refer you in." B055 smiled widely, keeping her cool and thanking him for the easy start. He waved goodbye, mentioning he would be back on a day they were both off. Closing the front door for him, B055's stomach growled.

He should of told her how to cook on this machinery! Walking among the town she sighted a "grill". She remembered reading about these in her Earth American culture studies, where they acted simply like a heater for food. She used her Object Apparator 2000 to spawn some meat pieces onto the charred grill, having no worries about random fires and the like. She looked up to admire the view, and noticed an object to look like a sim spaceship. "Did they really use scraps from a ship to make play for children?" B055 was enthused by this idea, and went back to cooking her meal for the day.

Sooner than she knew it, it was time to go home.  She walked back to her home abode, relishing in the delicious meat discs she made by herself. Tomorrow she would possibly go to work, and begin her mission and change of existence in this little town. 

B055 Zinc, Sim Fanatic

B055 was a Sim fanatic since her clan discovered them in 20XX. Her life goal was to finally be able to become one with the sim habitat and live amongst the creatures that interested her so much. After growing up to scouting age, B055 signed herself up for Sim exploration. She was assigned to a quaint desert town by the name of Oasis Springs.

After being sent to the city, she was assigned a privately owned lot that another Sim Researcher had reserved for incoming agents. The one thing that was stressed, was to keep alien presence unknown. B055's briefing began immediately as she donned her eccentric human disguise. Under this persona, she took the name of Beatrice and lived life as a gardener with a love for biology. Her mission was to study how the sims lived in this city despite the lack of greenery compared to other cities.